Sunday, April 10, 2011

#50 just feathers

So I know I shared with you all about my earrings, and after putting together my bridal look post...I was having second thoughts about them. Even though...I love love love them...I need something a little more girly I think or more matchy matchy (eckgats! I'm not usually so matchy but in this case...I just wasn't happy with it!). But I've been looking out there-----------> in the web of sites...and I've found a few that I lurve too!

So gorg...too bad they were expensive!
found on etsy store Diamond Dolls Couture

These by xVelvetx...the same store as the other earrings I bought only these I would want with silver fittings and pink quartz inside of the turquoise? do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I love the first pair. I wonder if you can find them anywhere cheaper
